
…badlands, blank space, border vacuums, brown fields, conceptual Nevada, Dead Zones1, derelict areas, ellipsis spaces, empty places, free space liminal spaces, nameless spaces, No Man’s Lands, polite spaces, post architectural zones, spaces of indeterminacy, spaces of uncertainty, smooth spaces, Tabula Rasa, Temporary Autonomous Zones, terrain vague, urban deserts, vacant lands, voids, white areas, Wasteland... SLOAPs

Author: Gil M. Doron

  • …badlands, blank space, border vacuums, brown fields, conceptual Nevada, Dead Zones1, derelict areas, ellipsis spaces, empty places, free space liminal spaces, nameless spaces, No Man’s Lands, polite spaces, post architectural zones, spaces of indeterminacy, spaces of uncertainty, smooth spaces, Tabula Rasa, Temporary Autonomous Zones, terrain vague, urban deserts,  vacant lands,  voids,  white areas, Wasteland...  SLOAPs


    …badlands, blank space, border vacuums, brown fields, conceptual Nevada, Dead Zones1, derelict areas, ellipsis spaces, empty places, free space liminal spaces, nameless spaces, No Man’s Lands, polite spaces, post architectural zones, spaces of indeterminacy, spaces of uncertainty, smooth spaces, Tabula Rasa, Temporary Autonomous Zones, terrain vague, urban deserts, vacant lands, voids, white areas, Wasteland... SLOAPs



If the model is to take every variety of form, then the matter in which the model is fashioned will not be duly prepared, unless it is formless, and free from the impress of any of these shapes which it is hereafter to receive from without. The void cannot be earmarked as ‘nature reserve’, ‘succession habitat’, ‘recreational field’, or any other such designate, because to name it is to claim it in some way. And what is potentially more socially liberating about the void is precisely the absence of recognition and the subsequent indifference toward it. One simply does not ‘see’ it, even though it surrounds and enables performance, and is itself sustained by invisible mechanism and regulatory infrastructures.

How to Cite:

Doron, G. M., (2007) “…badlands, blank space, border vacuums, brown fields, conceptual Nevada, Dead Zones1, derelict areas, ellipsis spaces, empty places, free space liminal spaces, nameless spaces, No Man’s Lands, polite spaces, post architectural zones, spaces of indeterminacy, spaces of uncertainty, smooth spaces, Tabula Rasa, Temporary Autonomous Zones, terrain vague, urban deserts, vacant lands, voids, white areas, Wasteland... SLOAPs”, field 1(1), 10–23.

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Published on
01 Sep 2007
Peer Reviewed